Camp Daniel Boone
Forms and Information
Camp Daniel Boone COVID Waiver
BSA 2021 Medical Form
You must print
two copies of: All 4 pages plus, scout immunization record, and front and back copies of insurance card.
Troop 222 MEDICATIONS Form
Troop 222 Camper Behavior Contract (scout and parent signatures)
Camper Forms
The Boy Scouts of America, Daniel Boone Council, the leadership of your Unit (Pack, Troop, Crew or Post), Unit's Chartering Organization and all subsidiaries thereof, here and after, collectively referred to as "DBC" have put in place preventative measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19; however, DBC cannot guarantee that you or your child(ren) will not become infected with COVID-19.
Prior to camp:
~ Please reduce your social contact with others two weeks leading up to camp, where possible.
At camp:
~ Please plan on social distancing, wearing masks, and good hand-washing hygiene. The Troop will provide masks, gloves and hand sanitizer. Please plan to change masks routinely.
~ Daily flag opening and closing ceremonies will be conducted at our Troop campsite.
~ Merit badge sessions are offered in half-day sessions and scouts will be social distanced. Each scout will go to one class session for a 3-hour block unless otherwise told (there are a few entire day).
~ There will not be "parent night" visitors on Wednesday.
~ Campers should bring something to sit on during classes.